2024 Annual Report

None of this would have been possible without you. Your support makes it all happen. Together, we’re building a future where Skeena salmon continue to thrive, sustaining the people, cultures, and ecosystems that depend on them. Thank you for being part of this journey. Let’s keep the momentum going!

Over the last 12 months, SkeenaWild, our collaborators, and many of you in our communities have contributed to several accomplishments benefiting the Skeena Watershed and its salmon and steelhead. Our work focused on getting more salmon back into our rivers. We pushed back against unsustainable Alaskan harvests, we improved local fishing practices, and supported Indigenous selective fisheries. In the Babine, Kispiox, and Bulkley/Morice watersheds, we took action to rebuild at-risk salmon populations. Our work this year protected critical habitats by advancing Indigenous-led land use plans and challenging harmful industrial projects like Telkwa Coal and Red Chris mine. Through workshops, field trips, and community events, we connected thousands of people to salmon and the waters we all depend on.

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