Our Work

Estuary Protection

Estuary Protection

All Skeena salmon and Steelhead rely on the health of the Skeena estuary and we work to ensure it is healthy. Particularly important is Flora Bank, an area that contains the highest abundances of juvenile salmon (25 times more) compared with all other sampled habitats in the Skeena River estuary.

Climate Change & Fisheries

Climate Change & Fisheries

Warming oceans and rivers, habitat loss and other pressures have Skeena wild salmon and steelhead in the crosshairs. These challenging times call on all of us to step up and be part of the solution.

Science & Research

Science & Research

SkeenaWild engages in rigorous and applied scientific research on salmon ecosystems. In addition to ongoing fisheries and Wild Salmon Policy related research.

Environmental Assessment

Environmental Assessment

SkeenaWild participates in environmental assessments for projects which may negatively impact salmon, their habitats and the communities who depend on them. We bring knowledge, expertise and the best available science to inform these decisions.

Responsible Development

Responsible Development

SkeenaWild has engaged in a proactive initiative which we hope will shift the current boom-and-bust mind frame to one which supports industrial development that maintains the values of our local communities.

Mining Reform

Mining Reform

Mining is a growing concern in the Skeena Watershed. Open pit mines pose significant threats to salmon and steelhead due to potential contamination by selenium, nitrate, sulphate, copper, and other heavy metals.

Forestry & Land Use Planning

Forestry & Land Use Planning

Our long-term goal is to move from outdated forestry practices and land use plans that do not protect functioning habitats to detailed indigenous-led ecosystem-based land use plans that protect culture, wildlife, ecosystems and local economies.