Skeena Summer Climate Conditions: How is it affecting wild salmon?

It’s hot in the Skeena! Like much of the province, we are seeing unusually high temperatures and low water levels throughout the region… and it’s only the start of August. A combination of warming ocean temperatures, early snowpack melt, low and warm water temperatures have set the stage for what could be a challenging year for Skeena salmon and steelhead.


The Skeena and many of its tributaries are currently at water levels well below historic averages, in many cases below historic minimums, with water temperatures well above average. These conditions add stress to migrating salmon and could influence spawning habitat availability and success if similar conditions continue into the fall. Warm ocean temperatures mean less food, changing currents and predators. Salmon are resilient and will adapt, but it’s important for us to understand environmental conditions and challenges our salmon will be facing this year.


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Greg Taylor: 2024 Season Outlook

Watershed Watch's Greg Taylor gives his 2024 Season Outlook across BC. He discusses Ocean Wise's seal of approval for 14 B.C. chinook and sockeye fisheries, reflects on Alaskan Interception Fisheries and gives a deep dive into each regions fisheries forecast.



10 Years After Mount Polley: Lessons Learned

August 4th marks the 10th anniversary of the catastrophic dam failure at Mount Polley, an open-pit copper mine near Quesnel, B.C. The collapse released 25 million cubic meters, the equivalent of 10,000 Olympic swimming pools, of tailings and water into critical sockeye salmon habitat.



Summer Series: Skeena & North Coast Fisheries Updates 2024

SkeenaWild Executive Director Greg Knox and Fisheries Biologist Kaitlin Yehle, outline this season's preliminary outlook and in-season updates for salmon and steelhead across the North Coast, Skeena and other tributaries in Northwest B.C. They also give updates on the current environmental conditions to give you up-to-date information on the actual returns we’re seeing.

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