Tag Sustainable Fisheries

18 Jul

Greg Taylor: 2024 Season Outlook

Watershed Watch's Greg Taylor gives his 2024 Season Outlook across BC. He discusses Ocean Wise's seal of approval for 14 B.C. chinook and sockeye fisheries, reflects on Alaskan Interception Fisheries and gives a deep dive into each regions fisheries forecast.


11 Jul

Ocean Wise pulls sustainability recommendation for southeast Alaska salmon

Watershed Watch Salmon Society, SkeenaWild Conservation Trust, and Raincoast Conservation Foundation are very pleased that Vancouver-based eco-label Ocean Wise has removed salmon harvested in southeast Alaska from its list of recommended sustainable seafood products.


29 May

New Recommendations from Ocean Wise Recognize Sustainable B.C. Salmon Fisheries

Consumers want to buy sustainably caught seafood but for too long have been hampered by eco-labels that greenwash harmful industrial fisheries and exclude smaller-scale sustainable fisheries. This has especially been the case for Pacific salmon, where community-led Indigenous fisheries in British Columbia have been passed over by major ecolabels, while unsustainable interception fisheries in Alaska have enjoyed long-standing approval.


15 May

Skeena 2024 Pre-Season Conditions and Forecast : How is it Affecting Wild Salmon?​

Let’s take a look at what we’re expecting to see with salmon returns to the Skeena this summer. Here we cover pre-season forecasts, as well as some of the marine and freshwater conditions from the past five years that may influence this year’s salmon returns. In general, pre-season forecasting has become less accurate in recent years due to greater environmental variability - which is why we at SkeenaWild continue to advocate for sustainable fisheries with in-season monitoring and adaptability to in-season abundances and conditions.


26 Apr

Marine Stewardship Council to review Canadian conservation groups’ objections to Alaskan salmon “sustainable” certification

An independent adjudicator has accepted the formal objection of three B.C.-based conservation organizations to the certification of Alaskan salmon as “sustainable” by the UK-based Marine Stewardship Council


19 Apr

B.C. conservation organizations fight Alaskan salmon “sustainable” certification

British Columbia conservation organizations SkeenaWild Conservation Trust and Raincoast Conservation Foundation, along with Watershed Watch Salmon Society, have filed a formal notice of objection with the U.K.-based Marine Stewardship Council in response to the proposed re-certification of Alaskan salmon fisheries as sustainable.


17 Apr

Alaska’s Dirty Secret: Send sustainable seafood verifiers a message

Fishers in Southeast Alaska intercept and sell millions of salmon and steelhead migrating to British Columbia, Washington and Oregon in non-selective net fisheries that don't adequately report their bycatch. All while our local fisheries are closed to rebuild dwindling stocks.


17 Mar

You’re Invited: Alaskan Impact on BC Salmon Webinar

Our community’s campaign, ‘Alaska’s Dirty Secret,’ continues to gain momentum. New data exposes the number of B.C. wild salmon being caught by Alaskan fleets and the impact this has on conservation efforts in British Columbia.