Oolichan: A Keystone Species

It’s the time of year when the Skeena River starts bustling- the infamous Ooligan run.

Our communities look forward to this influx of birds along the Skeena every year, but did you know that the oolichan, or eulachon, or saak, is a small but essential fish species inhabiting the Pacific Northwest region?

Swim The Skeena Challenge

The mighty Skeena River runs 570km from the Sacred Headwaters (Spatsizi Plateau) to the Skeena Estuary near Lelu Island, passing various stunning and essential sites.

Join this year’s ‘Swim The Skeena Challenge,’ a joint partnership with SkeenaWild and the City of Terrace.

Swim the equivalent distance of the Skeena River at the Terrace Aquatic Centre as we take you on a journey to learn about the spots along the way.

You’re Invited: Alaskan Impact on BC Salmon Webinar

Our community’s campaign, ‘Alaska’s Dirty Secret,’ continues to gain momentum. New data exposes the number of B.C. wild salmon being caught by Alaskan fleets and the impact this has on conservation efforts in British Columbia.

The Latest B.C. Mining Reform Wins

There have been some good news stories on BC Mining Reform these past few days. It’s been great to see movement toward defending wild salmon and ensuring development doesn’t happen at the expense of one of our most valuable resources.

Event: Quantum Leaps – Girls talk Science & Tech!

This conference is a unique opportunity for young women to learn, engage, and be empowered to pursue their passions in science and technology. Whether you’re considering a career in healthcare, environmental science, or tech, you’ll find inspiration and guidance from our panelists and fellow attendees.

Salmon, The Masters of Adaptation

SkeenaWild’s Director of Science Dr. Michael Price’s latest research with Simon Fraser University goes back in time to look at how salmon have been adapting to our changing climate, and why there’s hope for Skeena salmon.

The 2023 SkeenaWild Annual Report Is Out Now

Over the last 12 months, SkeenaWild, our collaborators, and many of you in our communities have contributed to many accomplishments benefiting the Skeena Watershed and its salmon and steelhead. These include a reduction on the impacts of fisheries and an increase in Indigenous-led land use planning initiatives and habitat protection efforts. These proactive approaches not only protect critical habitats but also foster sustainable development and job opportunities for local communities.